Diabetes Control Tips
keep a lid on your stress levels
Do not skip breakfast
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
Replace a pack of chips with some nuts
Go for the healthier option, always!
Limit aerated and sweetened drinks. Choose Green Tea instead
Aerated and sweetened drinks are loaded with empty calories and are an absolute NO for diabetics.
Reduce portion size
Add fibre like whole grain and beans to your diet
Eat small but frequent meals
Eating small and frequent meals boosts your metabolism levels. Diabetics need to avoid over-eating for the simple reason that it may lead to a spike in sugar levels.
No excuses… Be sure to exercise daily
Opt for home cooked food instead of instant meals or takeaways
Avoid processed and refined foods
Processed and refined foods are an additional burden to your cells and are detrimental for the health of diabetics.
Limit cakes and confectionaries
Be sure to get 6-7 hours of sleep daily
Reduce the consumption of salt
Regularly evaluate your blood sugar levels
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