WE Need to Know about Sun Salutations : Surya Namaskar


Increases Energy And Awareness Levels:

Along with asanas, the breathing pattern is also an important aspect of Surya Namaskar. This gives deep conscious relaxation to the body and mind. It helps to relax the mind and sharpen the senses. It increases your self-awareness, which increases your energy levels.

Enables Better Absorption of Nutrients:

Proper blood circulation and digestion enables better absorption of nutrients, which in turn improves your overall health. Nutrient absorption helps to carry out vital functions in the body. 

Reduces moods swings and brings more emotional stability:

Deep breathing techniques with specific asanas provide great relaxation to the nerve cells or chakras.

Improves Your Skin’s Glow:

A nice-glowing skin is a result of good blood circulation, good digestion, relaxation and good sleep. You get all of this with sun salutations!


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